Elegant = Stiff & boring?

It’s an Elegant style, stiff or boring? Should you become a follower of a bunch of rules? Perhaps remove your character and just be this serious stiff ice queen? From my point of view, I find that people get a bit confused about this topic. First at all, they think, have to become somebody they aren’t; and second, that, they have to really lose what’s original about them, what’s fun about them. Just to fit in a kind of stereotype that often is not a reality.

Elegance is not catching somebody’s eyes, it’s about being remembered


To me become ‘elegant or classy’ it’s not about losing yourself or even born with a kind of talent. Become elegant is about enhancing your best qualities and get rid of those qualities that really are not helping you too much.

You need to have some form of interesting originality about you

You don’t have to invent a kind of character of yourself or try to fit in a flamboyant set. Be elegant but keep your personality.

It’s ok to be funny, as it’s totally ok to have a certain way of being! I hope you enjoyed this new entry, check for more pictures of this outfit on my Instagram account; and see you on my next one!

Tweed Jacket and waist bag from Zara
Vintage little black dress and Loafers
Gambetes box tights and dark sunglasses

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